Sunday, February 27, 2022

Organizational perspective on the hybrid workspace


With the nations getting off ground with the Pandemic, economic revival appear to be the inevitable. Enterprises are in a cross road in resolving the work from home method which befits the organisation and employees. 

Whilst various views have appeared on WFH, the consensus is that it is favourable and consistent to meeting the company requirements and objectives, and employee freedom, within a certain framework. 

Organisational policy 

WFH from a technological context means extending the perimeter of the Company IT network from the edge of the WAN to the employee device where the remote VPN terminates. This present a new set of security challenges where we have to look at the security dynamics in the extending network, data which is in motion and presented and repurposed to the device, and, validating the identity and security of the device, persona, and location context. 

There needs a great desire to have a consistent security policy of the organisation augmented to the present policy. 

Human Capital 

The most important asset of any organisation is the human capital. Whilst working from home the work and life balance should addresses properly. We have seen Teams meetings going on till 9pm much to their chagrin. Conversely we have seen WFH as a great escape for employees. The HR policy should set the expectations of employees in WFH, in a manner that it is outcome based and measurable.

Essentially as organisation's move forward and and embark on the journey after covid, the decision on the aspect of work from home or office, or hybrid largely relies on the nature of business, the nature of employees whether blue or white collar, the employee well being and balance, and importantly the impact on the company bottom line 

This is a balance between the HR policy and IT policy of the organisation to meet the company and employee expectations 

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